Friday, February 24, 2012

Second Trip to Fetal Fotos...

So yesterday I let Presley listen to music all day and she was moving around like no other. So I was like this is perfect, she's going to be so active when we get to fetal fotos. Nope I was so wrong. She was pretty much sleeping. We couldnt get her to move around so we could get some pics. So the doctor had me lay on my right side for about 5-10 mins to see if she would move. The doctor came back in and she was still in the same position she was when I was on my back so we pushed on my tummy to see if that would do anything, she would just move her arm by her head and then started to cover her face. She must of been really tired from listening to music and dancing all day. So we wanted to try one more time before we left so the doctor had me lay on  my left side for about 5-10 mins. She came back in and Presley was so done she wouldnt move her hand away from her face and cont. to sleep. So we just had to let her be and get some rest. So Fetal Fotos gave us a voucher to come back another day. They will try two more times without charging us again. So I'm going to give it maybe about 2 weeks before we go back. I think I may have to go abck during the day time because that right now seems to be here active time. Which is fine for me because she's letting me sleep through the night. I felt bad that Presley didnt want to show off last night because my mom, gma, niece, and of course Robb were all there to watch her in action. Oh well maybe next time. We were able to only get three pics of her last night. One her sleeping just like her mom with her mouth a little open, the next when she moved her arm up to her head, and the last when she put her arm in front of her face.

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